Good Afternoon
Respected Members of MANSA,
Luminaries & Stalwarts of our Industry,
Past Presidents & my Predecessors,
The Current EC & YMF Members,
Colleagues and Friends,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
- Very Good evening to you all! Thank you everyone for being here with us today. It is a big pleasure to share
this evening with all of you here.
- I would like to start by wishing you and your families my personal best—for your health and safety in these
difficult times. No matter what, the show must go on.
- Though the Pandemic may have change the way businesses / meetings are conducted but we, the MANSA
community has stood strong and united which I can experience through a complete participation of almost
all members for the AGM.
- We are pleased to be able to welcome those of you have been associated with MANSA for years now, also to
those who are new to MANSA community.
- As per the tradition, the MANSA conducts Presidency elections, EC Members and YMF elections every two
years. Today marks the end of my 2 Years as MANSA President and I now pass on the Baton to Mr. Hiren Ved
to take over the responsibility for this prestigious institute.
- I shall continue support the New President offering my handholding support to seamlessly run the MANSA
and continue to firmly pursue the Members issues till they are sorted out.
- I shall now take you through the Presentation to showcase all the activities and efforts done by MANSA for
its members and milestones achieved during the year followed by our financial Health of the Organisation.
MANSA is a legally recognized, industry
acknowledged and completely unified
body of Ship Agents operating in
Mumbai Port and Jawaharlal Nehru Port .